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Godzilla vs. Kong, sometimes known as "Apex", is a 2021 American science fiction monster film directed by Legendary Pictures. It is the fourth installment in the MonsterVerse, after 2019's Godzilla: King of the Monsters. It serves as a sequel to both King of the Monsters and Kong: Skull Island.

Godzilla vs. Kong pits two legendary foes against one other, with the fate of the Earth at risk. Kong and his guards arrive at Jia, a small orphaned child with whom Kong has formed an unbreakable bond of love and devotion, after a perilous journey. They find themselves in the path of an enraged Godzilla. It's only the beginning of the mystery that lies deep inside the Earth's core.

In 2024, five years after Godzilla and Ghidorah fought and killed each other for power, Godzilla and Kong are still the only Titans on Earth. Skull Island's climate has become unstable because of a storm caused by Ghidorah and the storm cell that surrounds the island. Monarch had to keep Kong inside a dome-shaped facility that simulated the island's environment, with an orphaned young Iwi girl named Jia, who is deaf and can communicate with Kong through sign language, as his company.

When Jia pays a visit to Kong and gifts him a doll, the Titan gets pelted with a tree.

Following the assault, popular opinion has shifted away from Godzilla, who is no longer seen as humanity's savior. Madison Russell, now an adult and a follower of Bernie's podcast, is concerned when she hears about Godzilla's latest assault on her school. After school, she makes a failed attempt to reason with her widowed father Mark (who is serving as Monarch's director) about a probable cause of Godzilla's rampage, but he ignores everything she says, stating merely that beasts, like humans, may evolve. Later on, Madison enlists the assistance of her closest friend Josh Valentine to track down the person responsible for Godzilla's rampage and unravel the mysteries of Apex.

While Walter Simmons, Apex's founder and CEO, hires Nathan Lind, a former Monarch scientist turned Hollow Earth theorist, to assist them in their hunt for a tremendous energy source in the Hollow Earth, a subterranean planet under the Earth and the secret home of the Titans. For a while, Nathan is apprehensive about venturing into the Hollow Earth after his brother was killed by an anti-gravity field while exploring the tunnel. After Walter discloses that Apex has produced Hollow Earth Aerial Vehicles, specialized vehicles that can survive the gravity field's strain, he finally accepts.

Nathan travels to Skull Island to help them find the energy source. He meets his colleague, Ilene Andrews, who is Jia's adoptive mother and a Monarch anthropological linguist. Nathan wants to use Kong as a navigator because Skull Island can no longer hold him and let him live. She says that Godzilla would come for Kong as soon as he was moved off Skull Island, but Ilene at first doesn't want to go. Nathan convinces her that they need to do this mission to stop Godzilla's rampage and that they can also find Kong a new home.

Nathan, Ilene, Jia, and an Apex crew lead by Walter's daughter Maia board a customized boat with a barely drugged Kong locked up to keep him from escaping. On a rainy night, Kong grows unhappy and begins to tug on the shackles that restrict him, but Jia calms him down by allowing her and Kong to hold fingers in solidarity as Kong signs the word "home" much to Ilene's surprise. The following day, Ilene tells Nathan about raising Jia as her adopted daughter when violent and unpredictable storms wiped away most of the Iwi and her parents, but Jia was the sole survivor since Kong was the one who protected her, which led to the two forging a relationship.

The Titan arrives and attacks the soldiers before causing the barge to capsize, almost drowning Kong and the other passengers on board. As a result, Nathan frees Kong by cutting the chains that bind him, allowing him to fight Godzilla under the surface for long enough to swim up to the top and overturn the barge, saving the lives of the passengers. Then Godzilla leaps onto the deck of a nearby aircraft carrier to engage in combat with Kong. In order for Kong to successfully force Godzilla back into the ocean, fighter planes must properly distract Godzilla. King Kong rushes from the aircraft carrier in order to dodge the atomic explosion, but Godzilla grabs him by the tail and drags him into the ocean, where he plans to drown the Titan.

Nathan, seeing no other choice, suggests that the gang should instead turn off the power to all the ships in order to fool Godzilla into believing he destroyed them and Kong was vanquished, a plan that finally works. Godzilla surveys the wrecked fleet with interest and then swims away, assuming he has won. Recognizing that Godzilla may reappear if the ships are reactivated, the party alters their plans and instead fly Kong to a Hollow Earth entrance point in Antarctica, the location of Ghidorah's initial freezing. Jia explains to Kong that his house is through the entryway, but he is unwilling to enter.

When Nathan and Ilene realize that Kong will not be able to survive in the cold and that they will not be able to return him to Skull Island, Nathan inquires as to whether Kong will go through the tunnel if he believes there are others like him down there. Ilene responds by telling Jia to inquire as to whether Kong's family may be down there, prompting the Titan to enter the tunnel and the teams to follow him in their HEAVs.

Meanwhile, Madison and Josh locate Bernie, who recognizes Madison as Mark's daughter and joins their inquiry, believing Apex was involved in Godzilla's behavior shift. They slip inside the devastated Apex facility together, only to discover that Bernie's previous description of the "eye" has vanished. As they find a hidden facility deep down, the gang is accidentally imprisoned in and carried via an underground conduit to Hong Kong in an antigravity transport vehicle carrying Skullcrawler eggs.

There, the trio disembarks to discover Apex's ultimate weapon, "Mechagodzilla" a mechanical version of Godzilla operated by Dr. Ishiro Serizawa's son and Walter's main technological officer Ren Serizawa, who died in the attack. Mechagodzilla's might against the Titans will be put to the test as soon as Walter activates the mecha, when he sends in an adult Skullcrawler dubbed "Number 10" into the test chamber. To prevent the Skullcrawler from assaulting Madison, Josh and Bernie, Mechagodzilla uses a tremendous red energy beam to slice it in two, enabling Josh, Bernie and Madison to flee via a tiny hatch. Because of power supply restrictions, the test is halted at the point of its conclusion.

Walter plans to use the energy of the Hollow Earth to overcome Mechagodzilla's restrictions, it is revealed later. Madison then understands that Mechagodzilla is the reason Godzilla attacked in the first place: Apex is attempting to replace him and all of the Titans in order for humans to become the Earth's apex species. Madison and the others stumble upon a room where Ren is sitting inside Ghidorah's severed head, which has been turned into a biological supercomputer and cockpit for Ren to control Mechagodzilla through radio waves after Apex acquired it from Alan Jonah after it was bitten off by Godzilla during his battle against Ghidorah five years ago.

Hearing Godzilla's scream as he gives him with another challenge, Kong accepts and begins to make his way to Hong Kong with his axe in hand through the hole caused by Godzilla's atomic breath, as Ilene, Nathan, and Jia follow him in their HEAV. When Kong confronts Godzilla in Hong Kong, he battles him again, this time getting the upper hand and shoving his axe down Godzilla's throat to prevent him from launching his atomic breath. Kong realizes that his axe is capable of not only blocking Godzilla's atomic breath, but also absorbing it, and uses his weapon to harm the Titan in the thigh, however Godzilla immediately removes and discards the axe. After evading and dodging Godzilla's assaults with the help of Hong Kong's structures and greater agility, Kong recovers his axe and brings it down on Godzilla, causing an explosion that pushes both Titans back, convincing Nathan that Kong has won the second round.

Godzilla searches for Kong, who hides from the Titan by perching himself atop a tower. Kong ambushes Godzilla from above, placing the Titan in a chokehold with the intent of strangling him, only for Godzilla to break free and unleash his full fury on Kong, dislocating his left arm, slashing Kong with his claws, and even stomping on his chest twice, despite Kong trying to force Godzilla off of him by punching his wounded thigh. Godzilla, who has Kong subdued and pinned down, roars angrily at his foe in a show of dominance, but Kong, who has been defeated, roars angrily in defiance.

He shows compassion and saves Kong's life before walking away, leaving Kong with serious injuries but still awake as he succumbs to commotio cordis as a result of his injuries.

Because of the combined impact of the energy source and the Ghidorah's brain networks, Mechagodzilla suddenly goes berserk, slaying Walter with a sweep of its hand and electrocuting Ren, all while Walter is blinded in the process. Ghidorah's consciousness takes possession of Mechagodzilla, which escapes from the Apex facility under Victoria Peak Mountain in order to evade Godzilla. A rocket barrage is launched by Mechagodzilla at Godzilla before the two engage in combat.

Kong witnesses Godzilla's battle with Mechagodzilla on his way to visit Jia. Though Kong first doubts her after seeing Godzilla's destruction by Mechagodzilla, Jia finally argues that the robot is the "real" menace. Kong finally accepts and puts aside his hate before joining the battle to help Godzilla with his dislocated leg.

Kong jumps atop Mechagodzilla and deflect the red energy beam into the air, sparing Godzilla's life. Godzilla helps Kong battle Mechagodzilla after realizing Kong saved his life and that he is not an adversary.

The two Titans join forces to turn the tide, but the robot is superior to them. Kong takes aim at Mechagodzilla with his axe, but his weapon has lost its charge, and the robot attempts to impale Kong with its tail drill, but Kong escapes. Bernie, realizing that he and the others can't help Kong or Godzilla, pulls out a flask of liquor and advises that they all drink. Josh, however, has an epiphany and grabs Bernie's flask, pouring the contents all over Mechagodzilla's control panel, prompting Mechagodzilla to halt and Godzilla and Kong to seize control.

Seeing Kong clutching his axe, Godzilla supercharges it by blasting the weapon with his atomic breath, enabling Kong to dismember Mechagodzilla limb from limb and tearing its head off before holding up his prize with a tremendous cry of victory and sitting down to rest.

As Madison and Mark reconcile, he is welcomed into their home by Josh and Bernie, who are delighted to see Mark and invite him into his radio program to talk about the Monarch facility in Roswell. Kong is forced to grab his axe as Godzilla unexpectedly arrives, forcing the Titan to re-start the combat. Godzilla does not attack Kong, but instead just looks him down. Godzilla and King Kong are no longer at war since Kong has lowered his axe, thereby ending the struggle between their species. In this newfound equality, Godzilla returns to the water in complete silence, with Kong and all of the other spectators observing him.

Reception for Godzilla vs. Kong has been generally positive. As of April 16, 2021, the film has 341 reviews on the review aggregator site Rotten Tomatoes, with 254 of them fresh, and a "Tomatometer" with a 74% certified Fresh score. The site's critics' consensus feature states that "Delivering squarely on its title, Godzilla vs. Kong swats away character development and human drama to deliver all the spectacle you'd expect from giant monsters slugging it out."

This film commemorates the first time in 59 years that Godzilla and King Kong appeared in a film together since 1962's King Kong vs. Godzilla.

Kyle Chandler has acted in two King Kong films, the first of which was directed by Peter Jackson in 2005.

Kyle Chandler has featured in two King Kong films, the first of which being Peter Jackson's 2005 adaptation of the classic tale.

Kong, like Godzilla, jumps from ship to ship in order to avoid an angel.


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